Nottingham Albert Hall Binns Organ
Nottingham Albert Hall Binns Organ
As well as from Amazon and i-Tunes,John's recordings are for sale at:
John's recordings are produced in association with the best-selling popular science writer Brian Clegg:
Further information about John Keys' work as Director of Music at St Mary's Church, High Pavement, Nottingham, can be obtained at:
Royal College of Organists:
Incorporated Association of Organists:
Nottingham & District Society of Organists:
Binns Organ in the Albert Hall, Nottingham:
An extremely interesting and helpful site giving details of hundreds of recitals throughout Britain is:
Two very useful sites for finding organists for individual events or on a permanent basis are:
http://www.organprofiles.com and http://organistsonline.org
A sites for finding musicians in general for hire, including organists, is at:
Het Orgel, the Internet Magazine on organ music and organ building, contains invaluable information about everything to do with organs.
Orgelradio is a radio station based in Belgium which is devoted entirely to playing organ music. Saturdays are reserved for requests by listeners from the library of music available at:
Very useful details of pipe organ event listings worldwide are given by Organ Focus at: